Courses for College Success
The Counseling Division is happy to offer a variety of classes to help you achieve college success.
Here's a sampling of our Counseling (CNSL) and Career Life Planning (CRLP) courses, including numbers, titles, and descriptions. Also see our Counseling Course Catalog for current courses.
For comprehensive, up-to-date information on all Foothill classes, please refer to the online schedule of classes.
CNSL 1: College Success (3 Units)
Examination of factors that contribute to college success, including responsibility/control; competition; task-precision; expectations; wellness; time management; college involvement; family/support systems involvement. Activities include: testing and individualized evaluations; group processing and practicum. Transferable: UC/CSU
CNSL 5: Introduction to College (1 Unit)
Orientation to Foothill College academic policies, resources, programs and services; introduction to California systems of higher education; formulation of educational plan.
Note: All CNSL 5 classes meet the first six weeks of the quarter unless otherwise noted. It is recommended that the student complete Math and English assessments before entering the CNSL 5 classes. Transferable: UC/CSU.
CNSL 6: Exploring Leadership (4 Units)
Explores concepts of leadership theory with direct applications for leading organizations
and creating positive social change. The intent is to provide students with a foundational
understanding of the knowledge and skills needed to be an effective leader. This course
utilizes experiential activities and group projects as a primary method for applying
theories and concepts to the everyday practice of leadership. In this course, leadership
is understood primarily as a function of personal development with the intention to
create transformational change in one's community. Transferable: UC/CSU.
CNSL 8/8H: Transfer Readiness (1 Unit)
Learn to choose a college or university; prepare academically; apply and use counselors and transfer programs to enhance transfer eligibility. Students will complete a university cost analysis, as well as explore resources to help fund their education. Transferable: UC/CSU.
CNSL 52: College & Life Management (4 Units)
Examination of psycho-social and wellness issues related to personal and academic success. Explores theories and practice for effective goal-setting, commuinication, health and wellness, learning and social growth. Transferable: CSU.
CNSL 56: Lifelong Learning Strategies (3 units)
Interactive, applied course to teach learning strategies and skills necessary to successfully reach educational, career and personal objectives. Topics include time management, memory techniques, study reading, note taking, test preparation, other learning strategies and the techniques to apply them in college and throughout life. Transferable: CSU.
CNSL 72: Stress, Wellness & Coping (3 Units)
Explore and become familiar with symptoms of stress, depression, and anxiety. Examine the social and psychological factors that contribute to these problems and the patterns of behavior which result. Learn, practice, and understand effective coping strategies to promote self-awareness, personal wellness, and academic success. Emphasis placed on mental health and application of self-help skills. Transferable: CSU.
CNSL 86: Introduction to Leadership (1 Unit)
Introduction to the dynamics of working groups and the impact of leadership on the effectiveness of groups; examination of the linkage between concepts and theories of leadership to the everyday functioning of student organizations; understand the role played by structure and governance models in organizational effectiveness. Transferable: CSU.
CNSL 87: Leadership: Theories and Practices (1 Unit)
Further exploration of leadership application to the everyday functioning of student organizations; understand the role played by structure and governance models in organizational effectiveness. Understand and apply the concepts of team building and communication in groups. Transferable: CSU.
CNSL 88: Leadership: Theories, Styles & Realities (1 Unit)
Continued development and further study in the dynamics of working groups with a focus on community advocacy, leadership ethics training, and program planning. Transferable: CSU.
CNSL 89: Advanced Leadership Realities (1 Unit)
Advanced study in the dynamics of working groups and the impact of leadership on the effectiveness of groups: advanced practical application of group and individual leadership techniques. Transferable: CSU.
CNSL 90: Introduction to Online Learning (1.5 Units)
This course covers concepts, tools and techniques for success in on-line learning. Through self-assessment, on-line interaction, and use of the various tools and resources of the Internet the student will develop an understanding of the skills needed to be successful when engaging in on-line instruction. Transferable: CSU.
CNSL 275: EOPS: The Road To College Success — More Than Just Books (1 Unit)
Course will introduce EOPS/CARE students to various EOPS services, policies and requirements governing programs. Course encourages collaborative learning, educational attainment, promotes student retention, persistence, success. Topics included: financial aid/scholarship applications, identifying campus resources, budgeting and managing money, cultural identity and experiences, goal-setting, self-esteem, career options, managing time.
Note: This course is designed for EOPS students.
Courses for Career and Life Planning
CRLP 7: Self Assessment (4 Units)
Comprehensive approach to career and life planning. Students will explore their individual skills, interests, values, and personality style as they relate to career choice. This intensive career investigation will also encompass lifestyle assessment like the influence of career choice on the family unit, decision making, goal-setting, job search strategies, resume writing and interviewing skills. This course is helpful to people considering a career change or undecided about a college major. FH GE: Lifelong Learning Transferable: UC/CSU.
CRLP 17: Exploring Career Fields (1 Unit)
Explore career options compatible with student’s strengths and interests. Using resources on the campus as well as on the Internet and in communities to investigate specific career choices, researching job descriptions, desired employee characteristics, training/education requirements, salary ranges and employment trends. FH GE: Non-GE Transferable: CSU.
CRLP 73: Effective Resume Writing (1 Unit)
Development of successful resume writing skills including understanding of the hidden job market, types of resumes and tips that will create resumes that result in interviews. FH GE: Lifelong Learning Transferable: CSU.
CRLP 74: Successful Interviewing Techniques ( 1 Unit)
Development of successful interviewing skills, including techniques for pre-interview preparation, dynamics of an interview, salary negotiations and follow-up. FH GE: Lifelong Learning Transferable to CSU.
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