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Skills for online learning

Do you need to sharpen some basic academic, professional, and personal skills?

Understanding College and College Life

U101: Understanding College and College Life - free online, Coursera, course by University of Washington

Describes how colleges and universities operate, describes what faculty are looking for in college-level academic work, lists effective study strategies and suggests ways to select a major, among other topics.

Public Speaking

Introduction to Public Speaking - free online, Coursera, course by University of Washington

Covers unique traits of oral versus written communication in order to help students prepare speeches that are easier to deliver orally and understand aurally. Focuses on understanding the key parts of an argument and drafting clear and concise arguments translates directly to other academic assignments. Study of the principles of argumentation and arrangement; critically examine our own speeches and the speeches of others. Academy Academy has created a course that will prepare you for a successful, healthy, and happy college experience. The skills you will gain are life skills that you can apply beyond the college setting.

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