Financial Aid Programs
Federal Pell Grant
The Federal Pell Grant is designed to provide financial assistance to eligible undergraduate students based on need.
- Grants range from $700 to $7,395 at Foothill College.
- The enrollment status of the student (i.e., full-time, three-quarters-time, half-time, or less-than-half-time) will have a proportional effect on the amount of money a student will receive.
- The Federal Pell Grant is money that a student does not need to repay.
In December 2011, President Obama signed into law the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2012 (Public Law 112-74). This law has significantly impacted the Pell Grant Program.
Beginning in Summer 2012, students are now limited to six full years (18 quarters / 12 semesters / 600%) of Pell Grant eligibility during their lifetime. This change affects all students regardless of when or where they received their first Pell Grant.
How is the percentage used calculated?
The percentages are based off the annual award at full-time enrollment status. For
students who take 12 or more credits each quarter for three quarters (Fall, Winter
& Spring, for example) and, in turn, receive the maximum amount of their Pell Grant
award for the academic year, the percentage used is 100%. If you only take 9 credits
during each of those three quarters, though, which is considered three-quarters-time
enrollment status, your percentage used for the academic year is 75%.
Can I receive more than 100% Pell Grant during the academic year?
Yes. Due to the reinstatement of year-round Pell by the federal Department of Education,
eligible students can receive up to 133% of their scheduled Pell Grant award for the
academic year at Foothill if they attend all four quarters (Summer, Fall, Winter and
Can I see my lifetime Pell Grant used?
You may view your Pell Grant used by logging into studentaid.gov.
I have questions about this, who do I call?
Foothill College Financial Aid Staff is available to discuss the change in the lifetime
Pell Grant eligibility with you. Please call us at 650. 949.7245 or e-mail fhfinancialaidoffice@foothill.edu.
Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)
The Federal SEOG is designed for undergraduate students of exceptional financial need who without the grant would be unable to continue their education.
- Students with Pell Grants and zero Expected Family Contribution (EFC) are eligible.
- Due to the proportion of grant aid to cost of attendance, those students who have an 'At Home' COA and have been awarded a Cal Grant will forfeit their SEOG so that a more needy, less awarded student may benefit.
- At Foothill College, the SEOG award amount is up to $600 per academic year.
- The Federal SEOG is also a program that does not need to be repaid.
Cal Grants
The Cal Grant is a California-specific financial aid that does not need to be paid back. Cal Grants are for students who are pursuing an undergraduate degree, vocational or career training.
Basic Eligibility Requirements for All Cal Grant Programs
All Cal Grant recipients must:
- Be a U.S. Citizen, eligible noncitizen, or AB 540-eligible status
- Be a California Resident for one year and a day
- Not have a bachelor 's or professioinal degree
- Submit a FAFSA or CA Dream Act Application** and verified Cal Grant GPA information by March 2 prior to the award year. If you miss the March 2 priority deadline and will be attending a CA community college for the award year, there is a secondary deadline of September 2.
- Have family income and assets below the minimum levels
- Must be enrolled at least half-time status and the grants are pro-rated for part-time enrollment.
- Maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress
- Due to the proportion of grant aid to cost of attendance (COA), those students who have an 'At Home' COA and have been awarded a Cal Grant will forfeit their SEOG, if awarded, so that a more needy, less awarded student may benefit.
**The passage of the California Dream Act allows students who meet AB 540 criteria to apply for and receive state-funded financial aid, including the Cal Grant.
Three Different Cal Grants
- Cal Grant A: Pays for tuition and fees at a four-year institution and up to $5,742 annually for upper division course fees and basic student fees for students in Foothill's Dental Hygiene bachelor in science (B.S.) degree program. Students with dependent children will also receive the cost of living allowance of up to $6,000. Students not in Foothill's Dental Hygiene B.S. program may place the award on reserve for up to two years while attending community college.
- Cal Grant B: A student awarded Cal Grant B may receive the cost of living allowance at community college (up to $1,648 per year; or, for students with dependent children, $6,000 per year); upon transfer to a four-year institution, they continue to receive the cost of living allowance plus the tuition award in the same amount as the Cal Grant A.
- Cal Grant C: Recipients enrolled in approved vocational or technical programs may receive up to $1,094 per year or, for students with dependent children, up to $4,000 per year for a maximum of two years.
Entitlement vs. Competitive Cal Grant Awards
If you are awarded a Cal Grant A or B, entitlement award or a competitive award.
- Entitlement Awards - These awards are guaranteed for students who meet the program requirements and deadlines.
There are three Entitlement Cal Grant Programs:
- Cal Grant High School Entitlement Award
- Cal Grant Community College Entitlement Award
- Cal Grant Transfer Entitlement Award
- Competitive Awards: These awards are not guaranteed and are limited to 13,000 awards statewide each academic year. Students not eligible for entitlement awards will be considered if they meet the program requirements and March 2 priority deadline. Competitive Cal Grants may only be awarded at California State Universities, Universities of California or eligible Private Colleges. Students attending a California Community College will not be considered.
You can find detailed information about each of the Cal Grant Entitlement and Competitive Programs on the California Student Aid Commission's (CSAC's) Cal Grant Programs webpage.
Cal Grant B Eligibility Expansion for Foster Youth
On July 1, 2018 California adopted new, expanded eligibility requirements for the State’s largest financial aid program, the Cal Grant, to make the program more accessible to foster youth.
- Application Window Extension: Foster Youth now have extended time to apply for an entitlement Cal Grant. Instead of having to apply within a year after high school graduation, foster youth are able to apply for an entitlement Cal Grant if they meet other eligibility Criteria and have not reached their 26th birthday as of July 1 of the award year.
- Time Limit Extension: The maximum length of time a foster youth is eligible for a Cal Grant has been extended from the equivalent of 4 years to 8 years of full-time status enrollment in an undergraduate program, provided that minimum financial need continues to exist. Please note: You do not need to be enrolled full time to receive Cal Grant funds. If you are enrolled half-time or 3/4-time status, your award will be prorated.
- Application Deadline Extension: The deadline for the Cal Grant entitlement application has been extended from March 2nd to September 2nd for foster youth attending community college.
California Dream Act Service Incentive Program (DSIG)
Who is eligible to apply?
- California Dream Act Application students who have an active Cal Grant B award. The California Student Aid Commission (CSAC) will award 2,500 eligible students each academic year. The grant will be available to students for up to 12 quarters or 8 semesters. *Note: Foothill is on the quarter system.
What are the benefits?
- Earn up to an extra $3,000 per academic year (up to $1,000 per quarter or $1,500 per semester) by completing community or volunteer service hours (minimum 100 hours per quarter or 150 hours per semester) at an eligible organization. For a list of eligible organizations, click HERE.
How do I apply?
- Complete a California Dream Act Service Incentive Grant Program application. To access the application and instructions, click HERE. Students will be notified by email if and when they are registered into the program.
If registered into the program, how do I get paid?
- After completing service hours for the term, request payment from the California Dream Act Service Incentive Program. To access the payment request and instructions, click HERE.
For more detailed information about the program, visit CSAC’s California Dream Act Service Incentive Grant Program webpage.
To view the DSIG Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) sheet, click HERE.
Chafee Grant
This federal program offers college and vocational school financial aid to youth who are aging out of foster care programs. It is administered by the California Student Aid Commission.
To receive up to $5,000, the student must demonstrate financial need, meet basic eligibility requirements, and complete the FAFSA and the Chafee Grant Application at www.csac.ca.gov
For more information on financial aid options for Foster Youth, download our Foster Youth Financial Aid Options brochure
Full-Time Student Success Completion Grant
The Full-Time Student Success Completion Grant is a CA State program that started Fall 2015.
- It is designed for students who are granted a Cal Grant B or C and are getting disbursements at the full-time amount.
- This new grant is $865 per quarter (Fall, Winter and/or Spring), assuming full-time enrollment (12+ units).
- Students enrolled in 15+ units (Fall, Winter and/or Spring) will receive an additional Student Success Completion Grant Bonus of $1,801 per quarter.
If you have any questions, please contact the Financial Aid Office.

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Building 8100, Room 8101
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