women with bullhorn and others raising fist

Research & Service Leadership Symposium

2022 Award Recipients

The 2022 Research and Service Leadership Symposium is proud to recognize the 150+ participants who presented their research, service, and creative arts projects this year. 

We would like to give special acknowledgment to a number of stand-out individuals and groups who were selected by RSLS judges and Symposium  attendees

  • 5 Judges' Award recipients
  • 5 Viewers' Choice Award recipients.
  • 21 Judges' Special Recognition for finalists

Congratulations from Allison, Mike, The RSLS Team & The FHDA Community

Judges' Award Recipients

Among the many stellar projects, there were 5 deserving of the Judges' Award due to their diligence in project development, excellence in presentation materials and delivery, and significance in the scope and impact (current or potential) of their project.

Judges' Award for Excellence in Research

  • Madhav Varshney for “Exploring the Digital Humanities: Augmenting Literary Analysis with Natural Language Processing”
  • Allison Kuan, Cameron Lau & Team for “Building Chemistry Bridges”

Judges' Award for Excellence in Service

  • Alekos Kapur & Saintra Thai for “Confronting Anthropology’s Dark Past: Native American Osteo-Reparation in Bay Area Higher Education Institutions”
  • Meli Renteria & Anna Jackson for “Celebrating a Decade of Medical & Dental Brigades”

Judges' Award for Excellence in Creative Art

  • Katherine Pham-Huynh for "Desolate Dreamstate"

Viewers' Choice Award

You spoke and we listened! Attendees of the 2022 RSLS had the opportunity to vote for the Viewers' Choice Award. Of the many projects that viewers' identified as having an impact on them, 5 projects stood out, receiving the most votes throughout the day. 

Your votes were tallied . . . Here are the top 5!

The audience nominations go to  . . .

  • Keola Asing, Elizabeth Nguyen & Madi Gubser for “Climate Justice is Racial Justice: The Implications of Race on Environmental Hazards” 
  • Jack Collins for “Dynamics of Parabolic Flight - And Passenger Perceptions” 
  • Dylon Moala for “Finding Physics Project: The 3 Point Shot”
  • Eric Tan, Wonyoung Bang, Chunlan Chen, Sally Deng & Allison Der for “Healthy Smiles for Latino Children: An Oral Health Knowledge and Literacy Education Program on Early Childhood Caries for Latino Mothers”
  • Elizabeth Nguyen, Maddison Gubser & Abigail Manalese for “I Can't Learn This Way! An Investigation into the Factors that Go Into Choosing Academic Courses”

Special Recognition

Special Recognition for Judges' Award Finalists!

Before viewing the presentations, we selected 21 finalists for consideration based on their submitted materials. The decision was difficult due to the considerable value of each project:

  • The After School Dental Experts presented by Betty Vu, Brina Dimas, Luan Nguyen & Calvin Lom 

  • Desolate Dreamstate presented by Katherine Pham-Huynh 

  • I Can't Learn This Way! An Investigation into the Factors that Go Into Choosing Academic Courses presented by Elizabeth Nguyen, Maddison Gubser & Abigail Manalese 

  • Teach Computers Organic Chemistry presented by Junyue Lin, Daniel Chavez & Vivian Truong 

  • Is it really getting better? The factors affecting modern-day segregation in our local communities presented by J. Carlos López

  • Queer Artistic Expression in the Renaissance presented by Elizabeth Johnson 

  • VADAR: Vortex Array Detection And Ranging: Novel sensing and communications using orbital angular momentum of electromagnetic waves presented by Roy Gross  

  • The Guatemala Teacher Corps Experience presented by Kaitlyn Khoe, Jayme Albritton, Sarai Angel, & Arielle Seepersad 

  • Fictional Representations of the Mind in Jane Austen's Novels presented by Vandana Ravi

  • COVID-19 policies in Jails: Science Communication & Policy Brief presented by Corinne Ladinez 

  • The Little Known Truth Behind the Connection Between Folic Acid and Depression: A Research Project on the Negative Effect Low Folate Levels Have on Depression presented by Yazmin Tilly 

  • Frank LaPena: Converging Art, Ancestry, and Identity for California Native Americans presented by Ethan H. Kim 

  • An Insider’s Guide to Foothill College and the Surrounding Communities of the South Bay and Peninsula presented by Disha Shidham, Annamarie Hernandez, Amy Shannon, Fiona McMahon & Austin Perry 

  • Characterizing Oxygen Depletion in FLASH - Finding Lifetimes of Phosphorescence Decays with Automation presented by Xuanwei Liang

  • Reverse engineering from kinematics to impacts: deduce the impact direction and velocity based on wearable sensor measurement presented by Daisy Fragoso 

  • Exploring the Digital Humanities: Augmenting Literary Analysis with Natural Language Processing presented by Madhav Varshney 

  • Climate Justice is Racial Justice: The Implications of Race on Environmental Hazards presented by Keola Asing, Elizabeth Nguyen & Madi Gubser 

  • Celebrating a Decade of Medical & Dental Brigades presented by Meli Renteria & Anna Jackson 

  • Building Chemistry Bridges presented by Allison Kuan & Cameron Lau

  • Confronting Anthropology’s Dark Past: Native American Osteo-Reparation in Bay Area Higher Education Institutions by Alekos Kapur & Saintra Thai




Application Opens 11/18/2024

Research and Service Leadership Symposium 2023

Please contact us!

Allison Herman,
Lisa Schultheis
RSLS  Coordinators


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