Research & Service Leadership Symposium
Presentation Formats
Choosing Your Format
There are many ways to present your project at the RSLS. Take a look below to choose the right platform and strategy for your topic and your needs.
Watch our promo video from the 2021 RSLS!
But first, take a look at our video from the past Symposiums to see a sample of the many voices, topics, and formats available.
Poster & Art Gallery Sessions
If you select this format for presenting your project, you will be showing your work as a poster or art display during a 1-hour time slot, along-side other projects. During this time, you will engage in a dialogue and Q&A with members of the campus community as they explore the varied works.
There will be multiple hour-long sessions, each featuring numerous projects, with a passing period for set-up and break-down. In order to be prepared for your session, you will arrive 15 minutes prior to the hour for set-up and break down your work within 15 minutes after the hour to allow for the next group to prepare.
10-Minute Live & Recorded Presentations
Presentations will be delivered as live or recorded 10-minute talks or performances. You can present either on campus or virtually via Zoom. Both will be visible to our campus and virtual community
You may be creative in your delivery, but we encourage the use of slides and video to best capture and present the high quality of your research, service and arts projects. NOTE: At least one presenter must be present at the event (in person or on Zoom) to deliver the presentation or show the video.
There will be multiple one-hour sessions in which several talks will be grouped together. You will be given a 10-min slot to present, but you will need to arrive 10 minutes before the start of your hour.
You will provide a presentation to an audience of Foothill students and faculty, as well as family and friends. There will be a moderator who will introduce you and time you. This is an opportunity to explain your work to others who are interested in hearing your views and insights.
Project Presentation Guidelines
Review the Presentation Guidelines for tips on how to create your posters, slides or videos for the event. Then, plan to attend our Spring Workshop Series for additional guidance and feedback. Finally, continue to review the RSLS Presenter Checklist to be ready for the big day!
What to Include by Project Type
While each project will differ widely depending on the topic, below are a few general guidelines to consider when developing your posters or presentations.
Research Projects
The content of your research presentation or poster should include some form of the
following: background information, research question, hypothesis, methodology, results,
conclusions and implications of your project. The organization and specifics of these
categories will be up to you.
Service Leadership Projects
The content of your service presentation or poster should include some form of the
following: a detailed description of your project, what need you were addressing,
the community or region served, what you did, how it had an impact, and the implications
of your work. The organization and specifics of these categories will be up to you.
Creative Arts Projects
An art project can take many forms--paintings, photography, sculpture, ceramics, music, a theatrical event, etc. Therefore, the presentation format can also be varied.
For 10-min presentations and more traditional posters, we do encourage you to include some form of the following: a detailed description of your project, the inspiration, the methodology/approach/choice of medium, the process of development, intended impact, and implications of your work. The organization, delivery method, and specifics of these categories will be up to you.
You may showcase your work through a display and Art Gallery talk in one of our Poster sessions, present your work with a video showing images, ceramics or sculpture. Or you could create a video showing the process or creation. Music and performance videos are also encouraged, as are interactive performances engaging the audience. You are artists, so use your creativity to determine the format!
Art Gallery
Artwork that will be presented in a 10-min presentation or performance can also be included in a virtual and on campus Art Gallery during and following the event. In order to have it included, you will need to submit a high-quality image or images of your work in a jpeg or other image file with the project and image title, or bring your work to campus ready to showcase. Imagine your work on a gallery wall. How would you capture and present your work?