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    Election: ASFC VP of Senate

    Candidate Ballot Category: Executive Vice President

    Select only one candidate

  • Eliana Randazzo Ridley

    Eliana Randazzo Ridley   Candidate's Statement: My name is Eliana Randazzo and I am running for Vice President of Senate at Foothill College. I am double majoring in Sociology and Business Economics. As a member of UMOJA, I have found support in a learning community and realized how important it is to feel like you belong. As VP, I will work to create more cohort opportunities for all students to find their sense of belonging at Foothill College. I am dedicated to spreading awareness of the importance of political rights and providing the right resources to keep the Foothill community educated on important political events.

  • Sangee Nerea Prieto

    Sangee Nerea Prieto   Candidate's Statement: As a candidate for Vice President of the Senate at Foothill College, I am honored to stand before you with a vision rooted in empowerment, equity, excellence, and awareness. With a background in the ASFC environment, political advocacy, and community involvement, I am dedicated to serving our diverse student body and advocating for their needs. These include and are not limited to amplifying student voices, fostering inclusivity and diversity, strengthening community engagement, and promoting political advocacy and awareness. Together, let's work towards a future where every student has the opportunity to thrive and succeed. I humbly request your vote.
