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Robert Pierce

History 17B Third Essay -- Summer session

PART ONE (50%)


  1. Explain Franklin Roosevelt's struggle with the Supreme Court and how it affected the New Deal.

  2. The 1920s was a decade of great contrast and adjustment. Discuss the cultural disputes that made themselves apparent during the 1920s and comment on the cause of this clash of cultures.

  3. How did the 1935, 1937, and 1939 Neutrality Acts reflect America's attitude toward world affairs? In your answer, make sure you explain how each one was a response to world events.

PART II (50%)

You will be asked to Identify and give the significance of four of the following:

1. Sinclair Lewis
2. Scopes Trial
3. T.V.A.
4. WagnerAct
5. Teapot Dome
6. Huey Long
7. John Maynard Keynes
8. Langston Hughes
9. Stalingrad
10. Old Age Revolving Pension Plan
11. D-Day
12. Marcus Garvey
13. Winston Churchill
14. Dachau
15. America First
16. Battle of Midway

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