Foothill College Academic Senate Minutes
November 24, 2003; 2:30 – 4:30 pm, Room 6712

Called to order at 2:35

Minutes for 11/17/03 will be distributed in the near future, and will be reviewed at the December 2nd meeting.

Moss and Mason – Starer – The Senate will formally thank these individuals for their dedication and service to the college and the district. Input will be solicited via email.

Hayward Award: This award recognizes faculty for distinction. This is an award that many at Foothill have received. There is a call for nominations, and faculty can self-nominate.

Election results:   Yes  No  Abstain

 Plus/minus grading: 71    57    5
 Increase Senate dues: 72    48    13

Foothill votes: 119; Middlefield: 14

The Consent calendar was approved with the following additions:
 George Beers administrative review committee: Dolores Davison-Peterson

Dues request form: Dues form for payroll deduction distributed to all Senators to give to faculty in their divisions.

Absentee Voting: There is no formal policy regarding absentee voting. This needs to be discussed further. The Constitution Committee will return to the Senate with recommendations as to how to proceed.

FSA Follow-up: The meeting was well-attended. There is a great urgency to have all faculty and course FSA’s current and complete. The deadline for FSA applications is 2/15/04, but applications submitted by the end of fall quarter are encouraged to avoid any last-minute problems. Concerned faculty should see Gigi Gallagher for an application, or if the faculty member has questions.

Class Lists follow-up: Postponed until the next meeting due to Andy Fraknoi’s absence.

Chancellor’s Address: Martha Kanter spoke to the Senate concerning the self-study and accreditation visit for the upcoming years. One important task for this year is to review the district’s and the college’s mission statement. The Chancellor has requested that all faculty and staff give input on the district mission statement. Senators will take the existing statement and the list of questions to their divisions, request input, and report back to the Senate by the second week of January for further discussion.

Electronic documents: Bob Cormia submitted a draft, and Paul Starer edited it for conciseness, regarding electronic document submission for the Senate website. More discussion will follow.

The meeting adjourned at 4:25

Respectfully submitted:
Maureen Mac Dougall