ࡱ> b ")jbjb "5NNN8N$N<>DPDPDPDPDPRRR,ۣR-BRbRfR"RRBRDPDPWRRRRDPDPRtNJRRR̖48P NR4>m0>R|R%\)D%\) Putting Access Into Action Strategic Initiative: Putting Access Into ActionCore Mission: Basic SkillsSupporting sentence from initiative description: the doors of our institution remain open to all students who will benefit regardless of means, academic preparation, or personal circumstances. Goal: Development of comprehensive engagement strategies that address the needs and challenges o all students populations, constituent groups, and community stakeholders (business etc.). Commitments to Action:Goal: Streamline entry functions and activities into one cohesive system. Commitments to Action:Goal: Engage in a highly coordinated effort to equip students with the means to identify and achieve their self-defined goals. Commitments to Action:Strategic Initiative: Putting Access Into ActionCore Mission: TransferSupporting sentence from initiative description: Meaningful access recognizes the needs of students beyond the realm of academic student support services and acknowledges the complex lives of our students.Goal: Development of comprehensive engagement strategies that address the needs and challenges o all students populations, constituent groups, and community stakeholders (business etc.). Commitments to Action:Goal: Streamline entry functions and activities into one cohesive system. Commitments to Action:Goal: Engage in a highly coordinated effort to equip students with the means to identify and achieve their self-defined goals. Commitments to Action: Putting Access Into Action continued Strategic Initiative: Putting Access Into ActionCore Mission: WorkforceSupporting sentence from initiative description: Meaningful access recognizes the needs of students beyond the realm of academic student support services and acknowledges the complex lives of our students.Goal: Development of comprehensive engagement strategies that address the needs and challenges o all students populations, constituent groups, and community stakeholders (business etc.). Commitments to Action:Goal: Streamline entry functions and activities into one cohesive system. Commitments to Action:Goal: Engage in a highly coordinated effort to equip students with the means to identify and achieve their self-defined goals. Commitments to Action:Strategic Initiative: Putting Access Into ActionCore Mission: Stewardship of ResourcesSupporting sentence from initiative description: We endeavor to capitalize on the charitable as well as business, corporate, and grant-based support of our programs and servicesGoal: Development of comprehensive engagement strategies that address the needs and challenges o all students populations, constituent groups, and community stakeholders (business etc.). Commitments to Action:Goal: Streamline entry functions and activities into one cohesive system. Commitments to Action:Goal: Engage in a highly coordinated effort to equip students with the means to identify and achieve their self-defined goals. Commitments to Action: Building a Community of Scholars Strategic Initiative: Building a Community of ScholarsCore Mission: Supporting sentence from initiative description (optional): We build a community of scholars by providing a comprehensive curriculum that is not only informed by the diversity of disciplinary expertise of the faculty, but also by the varied educational objectives of the students matriculating through the curriculum. A community of scholars honors a range of learning styles and pedagogies. It embraces students where they begin and moves them through strategic sequences of instruction and student services to meet their goals. A community of scholars makes no distinction among a developmental learner, a career technical student, or a transfer student, but rather finds meaning at the nexus of student intention and access. A community of scholars conceives of the student as a change agent and an active participant in the colleges social, academic, and community life. Goal: Improve student success by providing faculty and staff training and planning opportunities for inter-disciplinary activities, including integration with basic skills, learning styles, and cultural considerations. Commitments to Action: Goal: Foster communication and collaboration among faculty, staff, and administrators in order to remove barriers to student success and enhance the classroom experience. Commitments to Action: Goal: Develop and maintain curriculum to ensure innovation, currency, and compliance with accreditation standards. Commitments to Action:  Promoting a Collaborative Decision-Making Environment Strategic Initiative: Promoting a Collaborative Decision-Making EnvironmentCore Mission: Basic SkillsSupporting sentence from initiative description (optional): A culture of genuine and meaningful communication is essential to effective decision-making. The ability for all constituent groups to participate in dialogue and discussions that shape the directions and priorities of the college is essential to the institutions success as is the ability of faculty, staff, students, and administrators to come together under a banner of shared purpose and to pursue objectives that enhance the learning and success of our students. We recognize that a decision-making process that is open to input from all groups at the college and in the community has the best possible chance of sustaining the institutions values and mission.  Goal 1: Facilitate interaction and collaboration between constituent groups. Commitments to Action (measurable):  Goal 2: Insure ongoing comprehensive and effective college wide-assessment process. Commitments to Action (measurable): Assess Student Achievement Outcomes for basic skills courses. Assess College Skills Initiative Grant outcomes. Goal 3: Establish an inclusive culture of community and support for participation. Commitments to Action (measurable): Promoting a Collaborative Decision-Making Environment Continued Strategic Initiative: Promoting a Collaborative Decision-Making EnvironmentCore Mission: TransferSupporting sentence from initiative description (optional):Goal 1: Facilitate interaction and collaboration between constituent groups. Commitments to Action (measurable): As a learning community identify roadblocks to degree/certificate completion. Expand Honors program to encompass all divisions. Goal 2: Insure ongoing comprehensive and effective college wide-assessment process. Commitments to Action (measurable): Implement the use of degree audit system. Identify factors that have decreased our degree conferrals to implement changes. Examine data to see if our student success programs have led to increased degree/certificate completion. Goal 3: Establish an inclusive culture of community and support for participation. Commitments to Action (measurable): Increase participation in Transfer Advisory Board meetings. Increase support for Transfer Center. Develop a faculty advising model for majors.  Promoting a Collaborative Decision-Making Environment Continued Strategic Initiative: Promoting a Collaborative Decision-Making EnvironmentCore Mission: WorkforceSupporting sentence from initiative description (optional):  Goal 1: Facilitate interaction and collaboration between constituent groups. Commitments to Action (measurable): Expand and strengthen the curriculas focus on vocational preparation and workforce readiness and re-integration incorporating the theme of transition to work. Collaborate with staff and faculty from tutorial Center, Pass the Torch, Writing Center and PSME Center to develop tutor training programs for students with disabilities.Goal 2: Insure ongoing comprehensive and effective college wide-assessment process. Commitments to Action (measurable): Expand Program Review process to assess retention and success of underrepresented student populations. Incorporate Institutional learning outcome assessment into program SLOs and Student Achievement Outcomes. Goal 3: Establish an inclusive culture of community and support for participation. Commitments to Action (measurable): Staff and faculty development opportunities focused on Career Pathways and Career Education.  Promoting a Collaborative Decision-Making Environment Continued Strategic Initiative: Promoting a Collaborative Decision-Making EnvironmentCore Mission: Stewardship of ResourcesSupporting sentence from initiative description (optional): Goal 1: Facilitate interaction and collaboration between constituent groups. Commitments to Action (measurable): Goal 2: Insure ongoing comprehensive and effective college wide-assessment process. Commitments to Action (measurable): Goal 3: Establish an inclusive culture of community and support for participation. Commitments to Action (measurable):   These are the latest draft goals as of 3/16/10. 3MN\hij/07 Rhijkq      6 7 E M N O   % @ V W X Y _  1 K L Z c d e 3 4 ;    Vlmhchc5OJQJ hchchchcOJQJhchc5OJQJhchcOJQJP3N\ijSkd$$Ifl0\ $  `` t064 l4ap $$Ifa$gdc$a$gdcgdc(!)j./07 QR|ykd$$Ifl40\ $`  t064 l4a $IfgdcRijkq |ykd$$Ifl40\ $   t064 l4a $Ifgdc    yy $$Ifa$gdcykdS$$Ifl40\ $   t064 l4a   7 E N yyyy $$Ifa$gdczkd$$Iflt0\ $  t064 l4aN O  % lccccccc $Ifgdckd!$$Ifl0\ $  `` t064 l4ap ? @ W ||||| $Ifgdcykd$$Ifl40\ $`  t064 l4aW X Y _ ||||| $Ifgdcykd$$Ifl40\ $   t064 l4a   1 L Z d {oooo $$Ifa$gdc$a$gdcykdt$$Ifl40\ $   t064 l4a d e 4 ; lccccccc $Ifgdckd$$Ifl0\ $  `` t064 l4ap   UVm||||| $Ifgdcykds$$Ifl40\ $`  t064 l4amnou||||| $Ifgdcykd$$Ifl40\ $   t064 l4amnou   :;Iabc9OPQRX $DESTUh ⾱hM?hcOJQJhchcCJOJQJhchcCJOJQJhchc5OJQJhchcOJQJhchc5OJQJhchcOJQJ hchcA |p $$Ifa$gdc $Ifgdcykd7$$Ifl40\ $   t064 l4a   ;Ib{r{{ $Ifgdc $$Ifa$gdcxkd$$Ifl0\ $  t064 l4abclccccccc $Ifgdckd$$Ifl0\ $  `` t064 l4ap89P||||| $Ifgdcykd$$Ifl40\ $`  t064 l4aPQRX||||| $Ifgdcykd$$Ifl40\ $   t064 l4a $ESTxllll $$Ifa$gdc$a$gdcgdcykdT$$Ifl40\ $   t064 l4a TUlcc]]cc]cc$If $Ifgdckd$$Ifl0,$ `` t064 l4ap gh|ykdE$$Ifl40,$` t064 l4a $Ifgdc  |||||| $Ifgdcykd$$Ifl40,$  t064 l4aGH^}}thhhh $$Ifa$gdc gdc$a$gdcykd $$Ifl40,$  t064 l4aG^ V{CghilLMTABCL !!!!!"C"D"R"["\"]"""""⽲hc6CJOJQJh+hc6CJOJQJhchc5OJQJhchcOJQJhchc5OJQJhchcOJQJ hchcFjd[dddddd[ $Ifgdc$Ifkdk $$Ifl0$L `` t064 l4ap  VW{zqkqqqq^^ & F$Ifgdc$If $Ifgdckd2 $$Ifl400$`L t064 l4ap CDhqhhhhh[  $Ifgdc $Ifgdckd $$Ifl4M 0$ L ` t 064 l4ap hijlqlddXXXX $$Ifa$gdc$a$gdcgdckd $$Ifl4 0$ L ` t 064 l4ap MVAjd[[[[NN & F$Ifgdc $Ifgdc$IfkdW $$Ifl0$L `` t064 l4apABCDL8 qddd & F$Ifgdckd $$Ifl400$`L t064 l4ap $Ifgdc !Z!!!qhhhhh[[[ & F$Ifgdc $Ifgdckd $$Ifl4M 0$ L ` t 064 l4ap !!!!!!!!!!d_VVVVVT gdcgdckd$$Ifl4 0$ L ` t 064 l4ap  $Ifgdc !!!"D"R"\"]""OI$IfkdC$$Ifl0$L `` t064 l4ap $$Ifa$gdc$a$gdc gdc"""""""""##^$ & F$Ifgdc $Ifgdc$If """###]$_$h$$$%%%&)&&&&&&''&'>'?'@'|'}''''''H(l(m(n(w((((((((()!)")迸hJhcCJOJQJhc hchc#jhcU_HmHnHsHtHhchc5OJQJhchcOJQJhchcOJQJhchc5OJQJ1^$_$`$h$$$$@%%%}wnnnnaaw & F$Ifgdc $Ifgdc$Ifkd$$Ifl4<0$`L t064 l4ap %%%%&&)&&&tneeeeXn & F$Ifgdc $Ifgdc$Ifkd$$Ifl4<0$ L ` t 064 l4ap &&&&&&&'&'?'tof^^RRRR $$Ifa$gdc$a$gdc gdcgdckdc$$Ifl4 0$ L ` t 064 l4ap ?'@'|'}'''''''jd[d[dd[[ $Ifgdc$Ifkd$$Ifl0$L `` t064 l4ap ''''G(H(l(m(ztkkkkt $Ifgdc$Ifkd$$Ifl40$`L t064 l4ap m(n(o(w(((((qkbbbbk $Ifgdc$Ifkd$$Ifl40$ L ` t 064 l4ap ((((() )!)")qlge]eel$a$gdcgdcgdckdJ$$Ifl40$ L ` t 064 l4ap ":pc/ =!"#$%n6e2k"2\r.uӱcPNG  IHDRF[9gAMABOPLTE~~~}}}|||{{{zzzyyyxxxwwwvvvuuutttsssrrrqqqpppooonnnmmmlllkkkjjjiiihhhgggfffeeedddcccbbbaaa```___^^^]]]\\\[[[ZZZYYYXXXWWWVVVUUUTTTSSSRRRQQQPPPOOONNNMMMLLLKKKJJJIIIHHHGGGFFFEEEDDDCCCBBBAAA@@@???>>>===<<<;;;:::999888777666555444333222111000///...---,,,+++***)))((('''&&&%%%$$$###"""!!!   pHYs.#.#x?v"tEXtSoftwareQuickTime 7.6 (Mac OS X)>BrtIME }5 IDATxk: ' 0 0 HJ$LB%Lp1IiaN;zIZ7I((ỿ(("GQEQ!oIsEQE1o^^'銢(TV3bN>ZQEQEQ .迗өys=ZYEQEc߳X(^/2FK((N|pWEQX\Vm}tEQ,8tj􀻢($^y>TEQS]Jۚt5*(ʿʶp]ur8~w(aۮz;~3GUQEQIq1^'犢(Roj]mtmߎ.(d6r:+jFjz]RSEQ|3 {W/n+(klٙS40?_SuEQEɂ}y.b/r/W_ZzEQE`։np7ҽ#ro~[~EQE=p]S^z~(UQEQay5np׀(:oW_r Q;z ЋdEQe6zfbwˇ 17((6.,otƧ3Ϫr C7^,((2m_Z|4{{ +~_MQEQ$Tr۝ق|gEQE̹s)tj=շEQBT EQE n 1?΍'w8S{ .V *?žW}l1`%;}}gY=>1J&gnuS{mN T݁Z$8=f+ɘ뾯|bwG՛>گ;F8ݩ.ppqilWe)L.+}<;ڗ=u w[(4ǒ6ay:\)$/ae=dEu؆?&og1i+. 1ԛ|#,{koa/] pcQoBUJ{eej57xs1G`xʸLgopQoz-)t㩡R,~$rLc^@sx؄DžQ}9|߻XEe@{:+b-k Uw3ܜwߋO<*m<~-xEaOO]PޅC#pooZW-SפMm_AknƧܹ3r$ _M~/2УYa{nokٛ2V&6lAe!Pbm}.&{G0| jj&p|沩> N _mTli؟U`ghl ӟ S*B.u9It|9T4`饻_{_i?Qۧ58vE^8cpY2.84t:$k 3h ;b] / fmܐڙaut{fQYpQT)Ġnrii&:|j0^!!GaA'$~Mت@MXGm1ɉtݝ!V5:&4(ޜNÇg`~OΥ V:l !-g?&VxQ-@-C$2{|.0ـ3e6:cCK%m_Ns2iZ6\<;c 77AAGWvI 6pK|BfxSR3zB)@Ylo[Gx۳Gsf膣XLvUОz 8C[fF =<ЭĆ)/#C28x|FƞtRMITdG@6Ȣ+4F/M88Sg?7Z"p<ɜDKIsHi}QƘ͎rkni&,f2)t9.x1-!Dd&20ho~| Cadݨ>n(В[@`_D9Vx+LCStdڑ݉b׺YxNV +&;K=0K)!0Հ3e6l>(s!0QNpB@ Nhbr-ImF-{VK0)bmDTOq >Me8orHzu8W imهgS-+ rDw$ cLlHSEYep^eIߘ鹋%ti(xp|zj,V GBx&X^XNJ9ɢ–|5rH$9xJ7OJ5hyGЈ.D"-dyYPI5μll9U0㝯mME4Y֗N6-"/ xJb`=7{w@~0 k6h'tT@g@kh3ok)"8$ᙘT9wKuQT.6Ш wo-!.,\}Rݗ pĢ_yLJbjm `Bg2l8\ W6%s# ^%YneYfY4vp̆0:,:TNw^m3"3GxY=_zMU~FX8NM[IKFNvy8z.o7fOҗ(7`1nTu_i#^V/ݮR1?eok٫QB[5N {]C"b`Q<0 Ň^}wHzs9ͱ6tv hcTXv/JR9ԣunmGbFuSiĪb$N=7첼zŤ$EJ7Q[hOwQbVo%Sa ׫#>^V/|^zlm<_lSws}3]5 ,8klՈޟFoO`xۚJ!7hO>=[QbVoFNl08Ft^*]zk~WԦ>=;/dlXW ڞ|)j -kxSUC՛oӞ>אjͣX*6۲~w/OIua qiy=Ԟ7ҊHkXIRUftE_G 2C; h2ޫgMU&G`Ii3 Y z95鞈TH٦ x"ճuHU"xQ+ez>g]cx'a8 ~FS+&|.E"/Y<)zs9?ӌ.+Pjt`S#zSpxY=Ȃl!ʾUg=5)W;y${jWCԛoמf|gHlfqz< ~?u4//l/*OvF+tɛu4kD՛oYox`Vo>#], =n.{qz<{_[dyXnh5I +\R4,te-qt>I?ZxxX^^?rub՛M䶧|8zu K%hO/G@K=g=FJ:c uJ\Y _\za_iF= X ,ER˒wkSs3؎m0v\R*ڋy]5 7 4 }Dyzs9?ߞy< vN zfR{e]þכף˘ȶڞҰ<<å)뀿H,4 @y|-d9ЂyM QJX\@/~*w7sl>&ar/Ӕ%̑xi P6/].Qo^ _(ji#x8 sTo#7a#&^V%Y_JAIi! 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