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Robert Pierce

History 17B First Essay -- Summer session

PART ONE--(50%)

You will be asked to answer one of the following:

1. Discuss the manipulations and plots carried out in the 1890s to acquire Hawaii and to control Cuba. Be sure to reveal who controlled these plans and for what reasons.

2. Compare and contrast the conflicts with the Indians with the conflicts with labor during the Gilded Age.

3. Discuss the impact of Social Darwinism on the Gilded Age, and then compare this doctrine with that of the Gospel of Wealth.

PART TW0--50%

You will be asked to identify and give the significance of four of the following:

1. Munn v. Illinois
2 Buffalo Soldiers
3. Alfred Thayer Mahan
4. Social Darwinism
5. Teller Amendment
6. The "Cross of Gold" speech
7. Plessy v. Ferguson
8. Grover Cleveland
9. Edward Bellamy
10. Haymarket Riot
11. Eugene Debs
12. Homestead
13. Platt Amendment
14. Emilio Aguinaldo

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