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Robert Pierce

History 17B Second Essay

Part One - 50% (You will be asked to answer one)
  1. Years after World War I Charles Lindbergh said, "If we go to war to save democracy, we may end up by losing it at home." Lindbergh meant that war seems to curtail and limit civil liberties. Is this what happened in World War I in the United States? Discuss and give examples to support your opinion.
  2. Many scholars believe that Theodore Roosevelt was the first modern president. Do you agree or disagree with this statement and why? What evidence can you muster which shows how TR pioneered activities, and used powers, that most presidents today often use.
  3. Some historians see the progressive movement as essentially a conservative one and others view it as genuinely reformative. Using specific examples, analyze the level of conservatism or reform in the movement.
  4. Compare Theodore Roosevelt's progressivism to that of Woodrow Wilson. Which one do you think was the most reform oriented and which the most conservative?
  5. Discuss the position of African Americans in the Progressive era and compare the major views of black thought as represented by Booker T. Washington and W. E. B. DuBois.
Part Two - 50% (you will be asked to answer four)

  1. Archangel, Murmansk, and Vladivostok
  2. Ida Tarbell
  3. Lusitania
  4. Zimmerman Telegram
  5. 14 Points
  6. Bull Moose Party
  7. BookerT Washington
  8. W. E. B. DuBois
  9. Jane Addams
  10. Upton Sinclair
  11. Sedition Act of 1918
  12. Triangle Shirtwaist Fire
  13. Robert La Follette
  14. Belleau Wood
  15. New Nationalism
  16. New Freedom
  17. Federal Reserve Act
  18. John J. Pershing
  19. IWW
  20. Red Scare

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