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Robert Pierce

History 17A Third Essay -- Summer session

Essay Questions

Third Exam

You will be asked one of the following questions. Be sure to use historical evidence or example when you answer your essay, as I weigh this most heavily in my evaluation of your grade.

  1. List three significant problems, other than with the Indians, faced by Andrew Jackson during his presidency, explain how he dealt with each problem, and then explain what result his solutions had for the nation.

  2. What issues led to the war between Britain and the United States in 1812? How did each issue contribute to the outbreak of war? Finally, why do some historians refer to the War of 1812 as the "second war for American Independence?" What events after the war give proof that this war for independence was successful?

  3. Jefferson was a hero to many because he believed in limited government, yet while president he was accused by some of violating his own principles. Give some examples where Jeffersonians might have thought Jefferson deviated from his personal political philosophy while he was president.


You will asked to identify and give the significance of four of the following:

1. Erie Canal
2. Marbury v. Madison
3. Trial of Tears
4. Missouri Compromise
5. Virginia & Kentucky Resolutions
6. Aaron Burr
7. Battle of New Orleans
8. Whisky Rebellion
9. McCulloch v. Maryland
10. Henry Clay
11. Nullification
12. Maysville Road
13. Louisiana Purchase
14. XYZ Affair
15. Impressment
16. Bank of the United States

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